npdbfqn = abbr. for nepdeebifquin which is a mild sedative that is usually prescribed when people have suvnk too much effort into a toffrubc.
suvnk = what happens to shvips when then hit into a grvck
grvck = hard thing often sticking out of water or to climb upon if its a big one, mountain parts.
toffrubc = unsolvable Rubic's Cube
bkervmmh = Top O The Mornin
pshjpba = (We cannot show the definition of this word with your current version of ComBloggicLogic. See the offer in the back for ComBloggicLogicPro for three easy payments of $49.95. Must be 18 years or older to order.)
satlsf = cat got your tongue?
gbbfyo = mama mia!